A first-of-its-kind documentary series chronicling the lives of an elite group of female athletes, artists, and activists across snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding, FABRIC is the story of connection to place, people, and pursuit.
The series stars long list of influential women, including but not limited to, Paige Alms, Izzi Gomez, Leah Dawson, Sanoa Olin, Textured Waves, Mainei Kinimaka and Hanna Scott in surf; Estelle Pensiero, Robin Van Gyn, Jessa Gilbert, Marie France Roy, Irie Smith, Spencer O’Brien, Leanne Pelosi in Snow; and Kristen Ebeling, Juliette Pelchat, and Hannah Eddy in Skate. Debuting fall 2021, FABRIC captures a level of talent, athleticism, and grit seldom seen in men’s or women’s action sports, and highlights the ways in which individual experiences are more connective than we can ever imagine.