Videograss Rider Profile—Mike Rav

Name: Mike Ravelson
Age: Hard to say … was traveling on a couple of my bdays and my birthday got lost in time changes… so I’m not sure… somewhere around 3,876
Stance: Regular 
Home Mountain: Ski Ward, Shrewsbury, Mass.
Currently Reside: Salt lake Hollywood, Utah 
Board:  Capita pathfinder 153
Bindings: Union Contact Pro 
Boots: Vans High Standard OG
Stance Angles and Width: Somewhere around shoulder width and a little duck stance 
Sponsors: Capita, Volcom, Vans, Crab Grab, Union, Volcom Eyewear, Eastern Boarder

The Poet Laureate of snowboarding strikes again. Getting to watch Mike Rav snowboard is a treat, a unique experience unlike anything else that exists. And when he’s not in the streets he’s probably sitting by his typewriter. But when he is in the streets…well, he’s probably doing something equally amazing.