VIDEO PART MIX #1 – Video Part Playlist


Slush Snowboard Video Part Playlist #1

A random mix of classic tracks from some of the best snowboard videos of our time. In this mix - Tracks from "Full Metal Edges", "Landline", "Back in Black", "Lame", "Any Means", and more!

 Intro- Grendade "FULL METAL EDGES"


Mike Ravelson- Vans "Landline"

Gigi Ruf - Kingpin Productions "Back In Black" 

Louie Fountain/ Scott E Wittlake- Robot Food "Lame"

Marie France Roy - Rome "Any Means"

Parker Szumowski - "Rendered Useless"

Frank April - Videograss "Mayday"

Jake Kuzyk - Videograss "Mayday" - WATCH ON APPLE TV! 
Sean Genovese - Think Thank Cool Story - BUY DVD!