10 Barrel Brewing Co. and Copper Mountain are coming in piping hot with a brand new event—the Hella Hectic Snowboard Cross—putting up a giant 35k prize purse for the champions of what’s looking to be one hell of a course, complete with a pond skim to finish it off!
Individual and team divisions, pre and post-parties, and without a doubt, tons of good times. Full scoop provided below:
Hella Hectic is the evolution of a classic ski and snowboard cross event. We reimagined the course seen at resorts around the globe and restructured the competitive divisions; from Men’s and Women’s Snowboarders and Skiers to Adaptive heats and even a whole division dedicated to Teams.
Competitors will face off in heats of 4 riders on a course full of banked turns, rollers, drops and step-ups. Winner takes all in each division, with a pond skim finish line to seal the victory!
It will be fast, competitive, and most important… HECTIC!
With a $35K prize purse on the line, make sure you’re waxed up and ready to rip. It all goes down April 23rd at Copper Mountain, Colorado. Let’s get Hectic and hopefully stay dry!
Spectators welcome to watch up close next to the pond skim and alongside the course.
For more details: 10barrel.com/hellahectic
Rider Registration: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6s5kchy